The Waste.Agency is an experimental abstract art intervention exploring our understanding of an economy built on consumption and wastefulness.
Using concepts and methodologies researched and developed through a number of interventions since 2009 exploring human behaviour and decision making, this 3-year intervention directly applies the knowledge accumulated.
Bringing together thinkers, artists, makers, scientists, engineers, academics, industry, finance and the public in an unusual setting, the project discusses one of the pressing subjects of our time.
The intervention was awarded Arts Council England and SHM-Foundation funding in November 2014.
Stage One
There were 1,662 conversations between 14th October and 3rd February 2014 at the Waste.Agency, Almost 1,100 with workers employed in The City’s financial sector, read comments here.
Stage Two
Will take place in autumn 2016.
waste agenc
One Year On...
The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney gives a speech to the insurance market emphasising why this project began in the insurance district of the City of London.
Last website update 06 October 2015: 18.51

Thanks to Waterstones Bookshops for providing HMV