The City of London
The City of London, known as 'The City', is the UK's financial and legal heart. Although only slightly over a square mile in size it is estimated that more than $2trillion is traded each day.
The City wields enormous power with the decisions made within many office towers impacting a large proportion of the world's population.
No solution to the present over-consumption of natural resources can be found without discussing the fundamentals of the legal and economic framework that the world presently operates within.
This project is a conversation with those who understand the intricacies of finance and legal machinations that the economic world revolves around and whether a new perspective can develop in considering consumption and wastefulness.
The intervention began in a disused HMV record store in the insurance district from 4 October 2014 until 3 February 2015. In autumn 2015 the intervention moves to the legal district then the banking district for 4-months respectively. The project concludes with the creation of a safe hub where new thinking and thoughts on reconsidering the economy can develop without fear of castigation.
Last website update 06 October 2015: 18.51

Thanks to Waterstones Bookshops for providing HMV