​All stations listed are potential sites offered by London Underground (in principle) for the no man's land event subject to final approval (many factors need considering before proceeding e.g., engineering works, station closure).
Command will allocate stations to Captains who will subsequently be charged with two substations, each managed by a Sergeant [click to see more]. Command will only deal directly with Captains not Sergeants or artists. Participants with questions about the event need to go via the channel of command [click]
Command will explain to Captains what the Committees, and others, expect of them in terms of performance and interpretation. The Captains will then explain this to Sergeants and the artists connected to their own station. The amount of flexibility in how the artists may interpret the work will not be known until the committees complete their work.​
Criteria laid down by the no man's land cabinet regarding professionalism, approach and respect is not open to interpretation [click]. ​
Written 17th August 2012
Station Allocation up to August 2012