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A Music and Poetry Committee were set up to create a piece of work that could be handed to other artists, whom they have no connection, to interpret.  The work you hear is only for guidance, an opportunity to hear how the authors perform their own work.  The committees have no further involvement in the creative process, these pieces have now been sent by the command to the station units to perform in their own style.  The lo-fi approach to the poetry considers how people in London would keep diaries in the modern day during the a major conflict, maybe electronically, rather than written? 

The Poetry Committee have developed a triptych poem based on the cento form. From the Latin word for "patchwork," the cento (or collage poem) is a poetic form made up of lines

from poems by other poets; annotations referencing the works that have been included. The poem includes some interpolation by the committee to improve the flow of the piece. Of necessity this has meant in some cases a change of meaning or emphasis, which in no way reflects the meaning or spirit of the original work, from which the extracts have been taken

Nancy Esposito
Eliot, The Hollow Men” with interpolation/one insular Tahiti—Moby Dick/Brian Turner  “Hurt Locker”/Yusef Komunyakaa  “Tu Do Street”/Janet Hedger  “In Whom I Trust”/ Y.  Komunyakaa  “Somewhere Else”/Eliot   “Hollow Men/Homer   Iliad, Chap. 24

Ronnie McGrath
Sun Ra p58/Amiri Baraka/Audre Lorde p37/Ani Difranco p8/Alexie Sherman 128/Amiri Baraka p37/Sherman Alexie p128/Gil Scott Heron p62/Ani Difranco

Isabel White
Beat Poet, Gregory Corso/The Mask of Anarchy – Percy Bysshe Shelley/Title of a poem by Adrienne Odasso/In Time Of War - Stanza II and XXVII. W H Auden (1938)/
Iran 1979 - Graham Buchan/

Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock – T.S. Eliot/An Irish Airman Foresees His Death – W B Yeats/The Next War - Osbert Sitwell. (1918)/I Shall Vote Labour – Christopher Logue/

Dover Beach – Matthew Arnold/Six Young Men – Ted Hughes/Katherine Tynan – The Vision/Epitaph On A Tyrant – W H Auden/Conscious – Wilfred Owen/The Dug Out – Siegfried Sassoon

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