The event begins at 10.30am and finishes at 2.00pm Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2012

Seven months in the development, the event explores how European societies of 1912 walked blindly into the Great War of 1914-18, taking much of the world with them.

Using conceptual live art performance and sculpture, the event has been created to examine bureaucracy, hierarchy, communication and how society creates major ‘events’.

Across London, poets and musicians will be reciting specially commissioned poems and music in 10 ​London Underground Tube stations following the 2-minute silence at 11am. The live performances will finish at 11.55am (total time 53-minutes)
Meanwhile at the disused Eurostar Terminal on Waterloo Mainline station, Sculptures created purely for this event will be displayed in the entrance area of this once gateway to France. Originally intended for the Underground Tube stations, the sculptures were vetoed last week by London Underground due to potential ‘congestion’ in the tube tunnels. The exhibition can be viewed from the station concourse above between 10.30am until 2.00pm
The Event Outline

From 12.30am, performers from the Tube stations will begin assembling at Waterloo Eurostar to visit the sculptures that were intended for their station. Each performer is free to respond to their experience of the morning events as they wish. No one knows how this aspect of the event will develop.

All proceedings will be filmed and later posted on the internet.

There is no collection of money for this event and it is not associated with any charity, cause or political viewpoint. Everyone involved is working for free and no public funding has been received for this project. All work on this event is open source, meaning that it is available to others to use for non-commercial reason, subject to accreditation.

If you would like to contribute to the event there is a world map where you may upload images, stories, poems, film, audio and more [click here]
For questions and press information [click here]