What is no man’s land?
​​​no man’s land is the space in between, the space of void that does not exist unless you find yourself in it. ​
​​ Once there what do you feel?​ what do you see? what do you hear?
no man’s land is the space pixels need to make a picture,
the gaps that make the song, the place where you are neither breathing in nor out!
You do not choose to be in no man’s land, you do not enter by choice,
it is a place you find yourself – alone, maybe scared, a place of the unknown
In no man’s land there are no distances, no benchmarks, no posts to lead you over
There is no light as there is no darkness
There is no noise for the sound of silence
What you feel is what you are
But who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going? When will you get there?
& how will you know you have arrived?
In no man’s land you do not know whether you are actually alive! ​