The event is free* and can be seen at various tube station and at the disused Eurostar Terminal in Waterloo mainline station. Please click on 'Station Information' for nearest performance to you.
This event is NOT raising money or collecting money on the day of the event for any charity. "no man's land" is a live art performance event exploring why we hold the opinion we do on conflict and war, how society functions, events unfold and how the actions of the individual ripple out by reflecting on the year 1912; just before the Great War. For more on this event [click here] or preview the music and poetry by [clicking here]

Become Involved in London or Internationally
You can upload an artwork, poem, audio, image, film or a piece of text in keeping with the ethos of the event, by following the link to our international "no man's land" map bringing the world closer [click for more]​

If you would like to support this event financially please see our funding page or press Donate below

*Valid ticket for the Underground required
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