Q: What do I need to do to participate in no man’s land?
A: Fill the Application form on no man's land website.​
Q: What skills do I need?
A: You need to be established in your field with a body of work that ensures that the event is of the highest possible standard. Although there is no demand for participants to be classified by occupation as professional, all participants must be professional in approach and standard of work.
Q: Do I get a credit for my participation?
A: Yes, everybody involved in the event is credited and his/her name appear on no man's land website with a web link to artist's work or project.
Q: Can a non-speaking English performer take a part?
A: Not essential although an understanding of the event concept is important. ​​
Q: Who owns the copyright to no man’s land?
A: Nobody. It will be a free open source.
Q: How long does the event last for?
A: 50minutes, no man’s land event starts 11:05 and lasts till 11:55.
Q: Is anybody being paid?
A: Those initially developing the plan were paid via Platform-7 funds but nobody participating or now working on the event will be paid. Our aim is to provide the post event party for everybody participating, to allow everybody to meet each other and network opportunity on Sunday the 11th.
Q: How many people are being involved?
A: Maximum 60 performers and 30 sculptors, 30 technicians/crew plus back office, equalling approximately in 150. The final scale is subject to London Underground approvals.
Q: Has London Underground agreed?
A: London Underground has approved in principle the use of 26 performance spots with potentially several others. All subject to the final proposal presented and possible engineering work. London Underground will always have final decision on whether any or all of the event can go ahead, right up to the final moments.
Q: Who is in charge?
A: The control of the event is fluid with command structures as set out. Platform-7 will provide the insurance and assistance as required.
Q: What happens after the event takes place.
A: Platform-7 plans to organise a post-event on the day of the performance for everyone to share experiences and meet other participants.
Q: What are the restrictions?
A: London Undergrounds first priority is safety and moving people through the station, we will accordingly abide by any restriction imposed. ​
Q: Can anybody film the event?
A: No.